Non Work-related Illness or Injury

Wellness Resources can assist in providing services and supports when a health matter may be impacting your, or an employee’s, ability to work but is not directly related to a work-related injury.

If you need to go on an extended absence of 5 days or more because of illness, injury or medical reasons.

1. Fill out a Wellness Referral Form

This can be filled out by you, your supervisor or HR SBA.

2. Confirm you are eligible for Disability Benefits

Disability benefits includes a continuance of salary benefit. Eligibility will depend on your employee group and or length of appointment.

If you are not eligible for Disability Benefits

If you are not eligible for disability benefits, you will accumulate sick leave at 1.25 days per month (prorated to your FTE).  At the time of employment, you should be told whether you accumulate these days, or if they are paid out on each pay cheque.

If you are eligible for Disability Benefits

Learn if and how you accrue sick leave and the process for submitting a claim for Disability Benefits which includes short-term disabilities (continuance of salary) and long-term disabilities.

When you should fill out a Wellness Resource Referral Form

The following are common circumstances in which it is best for a supervisor, human resources and unions/associations to refer an employee or an employee to self-refer to Wellness Resources:

1. Medical Accommodation (Temporary or Permanent)

If an employee requires a temporary and/or permanent accommodation due to a medical disability.

2. Extended Medical Absence

If an employee is currently away or planning on being away from work for more than 5 consecutive business days due to medical or if the duration of absence is unknown due to illness or non-occupational injury (see above for more information).

3. Patterns of/or Excessive Absence

If there is a pattern of absence or excessive absences over a period of time that may be due to medical issues.

4. Motor Vehicle Accident Injury (SGI claim)

If an employee is away from work due to an injury they sustained in a motor vehicle accident and will be absent from the workplace due to injury.

Work-related Injuries

Incident Reporting

You must report any occurrence or event that causes or has the potential to cause injury, illness or damage to people, property and the environment that happen while engaged in activities at, or conducting work for the University of Saskatchewan.

Support and counselling

Employee and Family Assistance

The Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) offers free, confidential services to USask employees and family members.

Manager Tools

Wellness Resources has resources to help work with employees who are are sick or injured.

If you need additional help, please contact Wellness Resources.

Getting help

Wellness Resources

Administration Building, room E140
105 Administration Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A2

Safety Resources

150 Research Annex
105 Maintenance Road
Saskatoon SK S7N 5C5
(306) 966-4675
 (306) 966-8394

 Safety Resources

Employee and Family Assistance Program

USask's Employee and Family Assistance Program offers someone to talk to and resources to consult whenever and wherever you need.

Free and confidential support services include:

  • Confidential emotional support
  • Work-life solutions
  • Legal guidance
  • Financial resources
  • Physical health coaching 

1-855-575-1740 (toll-free)