
Benefit plans

The definition of common-law for the purpose of adding your partner to your benefits plan is “legal or common-law spouse that is publicly represented as your spouse and you have cohabited for one year”.

If your partner meets this definition, they are eligible as a dependent on your benefits plan, for Extended Health Care and Dental. All dependents must be residents of Canada and be eligible under the provincial government health care programs in their province of residence. 

To add your partner to your benefit plan, add them as a dependent on the Sun Life member site.

Optional life insurance

Your partner is also eligible to apply for spousal optional life insurance. You have 90 days from the date of becoming common-law or getting married to apply for the first $50,000 of this insurance without having to provide any medical evidence of insurability.

You will also want to review your beneficiaries at this time for any group life insurance, optional life insurance and pension plan you may have at the University of Saskatchewan. You can review your coverage and current beneficiaries in PAWS

If you have any trouble, please contact ConnectionPoint for your life insurance plan(s) and Pension Office if you are enrolled in a pension plan.


Congratulations on your wedding! Once the ceremony and the celebrations are over, you may want to review and make changes to your benefits and personal information. 

Add your spouse to your benefit plan

Your spouse is eligible for coverage under your extended health care and dental plans. If not already done, enroll your spouse as your dependent under your health and dental plan. All dependents must be residents of Canada and be eligible under the provincial government health care programs in their province of residence.

Review your optional life insurance and spousal life insurance

Your spouse is eligible to apply for spousal optional life insurance. You have 90 days from the date of your marriage to apply for the first $50,000 of this insurance without having to provide any medical evidence of insurability.

You can also enroll, change (increase or decrease) the amount of optional life coverage you have with this life event. You have 90 days for the date of your marriage to enroll/change your optional life coverage without having to provide any medical evidence of insurability. 

Review and/or update your beneficiaries

You will want to review your beneficiaries at this time for any group life insurance, optional life insurance and pension plan you may have at the University of Saskatchewan. You can review your coverage and current beneficiaries in PAWS

Under Saskatchewan pension legislation, your spouse must be named as your primary beneficiary for pension, unless your spouse completes a spouse’s waiver of pre-retirement survivor benefit form.

Name change

If you have changed your last name you will need to complete a name change form and return it to ConnectionPoint, along with a copy of your driver’s license, marriage certificate or passport with the new last name. On the form, remember to sign and date the bottom of the form for your name change request to be valid. 

Getting help

Room E140 Administration Building
University of Saskatchewan
105 Administration Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A2

 (306) 966-6633
 (306) 966-2036


Types of questions ConnectionPoint can assist with:

Online support
(306) 966-2000
Virtual one-on-one support

Come see us in person
Arts Building, Room 258
Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm (closed 12-1 pm)