Seeking assistance

When to Seek Assistance

If you are experiencing depressive symptoms that last for more than two weeks, seek professional help (i.e. doctor, counsellor). Any thoughts of ending your life should be discussed with your doctor or counsellor.

Symptoms can include:

  • feeling sad or anxious more than usual
  • feeling worried, angry or upset a lot
  • having trouble coping with everyday activities
  • losing interest in things you enjoy doing
  • feeling hopeless, worthless or guilty
  • having trouble sleeping or sleep more than usual
  • have low energy, or feel restless
  • having trouble paying attention, concentrating or making decisions

Confidential Counselling

Call 1-855-575-1740 for free 24/7 confidential support.

Urgent assistance

  Immediate threat or danger; life threatening or severe psychological difficulties

  • Saskatoon Police Service 911 or 9-911 (on campus)
  • Royal University Hospital 103 Hospital Drive
  • Campus Protective Services (306) 966-5555

What is depression

Depression is not just feeling unhappy. It encompasses feelings of discouragement and loss of interest or pleasure in almost all activities and pastimes and persists for over two weeks. 

It distorts the way you view yourself, others and the future and leaves you with feelings of worthlessness, serious thoughts about suicide, severe sleep disturbances and marked agitation. If you are experiencing depressive symptoms seek professional help (i.e. doctor, counsellor).

Overcoming depression

Understanding depression is the first step toward feeling better.

Get information about:

  • Why am I depressed
  • Overcoming depression
  • Step by step plan
  • Managing setbacks 
  • Signs of trouble

Mental health and well being support

It's not always easy to recognize that you might need help with your mental health. And it can be just as challenging to know how to access the help you need. This guide will help you identify if you need mental health support, where to get support, and resources available to you.

Getting help

Urgent assistance

  Immediate threat or danger; life threatening or severe psychological difficulties

  • Saskatoon Police Service 911 or 9-911 (on campus)
  • Royal University Hospital 103 Hospital Drive
  • Campus Protective Services (306) 966-5555

Employee and Family Assistance Program

USask's Employee and Family Assistance Program offers someone to talk to and resources to consult whenever and wherever you need.

Free and confidential support services include:

  • Confidential emotional support
  • Work-life solutions
  • Legal guidance
  • Financial resources
  • Physical health coaching 

1-855-575-1740 (toll-free)