
Basic Life

2x of annual earnings rounded to the next highest $1,000 to a maximum of $500,000

Business Travel Accident Insurance For travelling on authorized university business, $100,000


The University, or affiliated employer, provides you with Employee Basic Life Insurance coverage. 

Under certain circumstances, accident benefits may also be available from the University’s Business Travel Accident Plan and government plans such as the Canada Pension Plan and Workers’ Compensation.

Coverage and Eligibility

Learn more about:

  • Eligibility and effective date of coverage for you and your dependents.
  • Termination of Coverage
  • Converting your benefits to an individual plan
  • Proof of Coverage for Health and Dental Benefits
  • Premiums

Continuation of Coverage

Coverage may be continued subject to payment of premiums:

  • During maternity/parental leave, but not more than the period required under the relevant legislation.
  • During the notice period for termination of employment as required by any relevant legislation and collective agreement.
  • For a pre-determined period during which the employee is granted a leave of absence, but not more than 36 months. The leave of absence cannot be because of illness, paid vacation or maternity/parental leave.

Reinstatement of Coverage

If you leave the University, or affiliated employer, and are rehired as an eligible employee within six months, your coverage may be reinstated from the date of re-employment.

Conversion Privilege

If your Life Insurance coverage ends or reduces for any reason other than the request of the employee, you may convert your coverage to an individual policy without providing medical evidence. The individual policy will not offer any disability benefits.

The amount of the individual policy will be limited to the lesser of:

  • $200,000; or
  • the amount of coverage in effect at the date of termination, or
  • the difference between the amount of Life Insurance coverage in effect at the date of termination and any group insurance for which you become insured within the 31 day conversion period.

The premium rate will be based on your age, sex and the customary rate for the type of insurance to which you convert.

If death occurs within the 31 day conversion period, your beneficiary or estate will receive the amount to which you would have been eligible to convert. For further information on conversion, contact ConnectionPoint.

Disability Provision

If you become totally disabled before your 65th birthday and are unable to work at your own or any other job, you may apply to have your Basic Life Insurance continue without payment of premium until you recover, retire or reach age 65. Application must be made before the end of your first year of disability. You will be required to submit medical proof of your disability. Any amount of insurance continued is subject to the terms of the group contract.

Basic Life Insurance

EMPLOYEE BASIC LIFE: 2x annual earnings, maximum $500,000

Eligible employees are covered for Basic Life Insurance. Premiums for Basic Life Insurance are paid by the employee.

In the event of your death from any cause, your beneficiary  will receive the amount of Basic and Optional Life Insurance in effect at the time of death.

Make sure you register for one of the benefit enrollment sessions within 90 days of your start date.

Business Travel Accident Insurance


All USask employees travelling for USask related business are eligible for Business Travel Accident Insurance coverage beginning on the date you are hired.

Business Travel Accident Insurance Benefits

You are covered for accidental death occurring anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day while travelling on authorized University business. You are covered while flying as a passenger on a scheduled airline or any other aircraft that has a standard airworthiness certificate and is not owned or operated by the University.

In the event of your accidental death while travelling on authorized University business, your estate will receive $100,000. This benefit is in addition to other life and accident insurance benefits which may be payable.

There is an overall maximum of $500,000 payable for all losses resulting from the same accident, regardless of the number of insured persons involved. In the event of a single accident resulting in the death of more than one employee, the benefit will be pro-rated among the estates within the $500,000 maximum.

Benefits are also provided for accidental loss of limb, sight or hearing while travelling on University business. These benefits are detailed in the Specific Loss Accident Indemnity section of the Business Travel Accident Insurance Plan policy.

The Corporate Administration Office has the necessary claim forms and will provide assistance in completing them.

Business Travel does not include everyday travel to and from work


You will be asked to designate a beneficiary when you are first eligible for Basic Life Insurance. You may change your beneficiary at any time by completing a Change of Beneficiary form. It is your responsibility to keep your beneficiary designation up to date. If you do not designate a beneficiary, benefits will be paid to your estate.


ConnectionPoint has the necessary claim forms and will assist you or your beneficiary or executor in submitting a claim.

Government Plans

Canada Pension Plan

A lump sum death benefit may be payable to your spouse or estate. In addition, a survivors’ pension may be payable to your spouse or an orphan’s pension may be payable to your dependent children.

Workers’ Compensation

If your death is the result of a work-related accident, a lump sum death benefit may be payable to your spouse. In addition, a specified monthly amount may be paid to your spouse or dependent children.

Getting Help


Types of questions ConnectionPoint can assist with:

Online support
(306) 966-2000
Virtual one-on-one support

Come see us in person
Arts Building, Room 258
Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm (closed 12-1 pm)

Sun Life Customer Call Centre

Sun Life has a Customer Call Centre that provides information directly related to your benefits, claims submitted and status of your claim. Other questions or scenarios that Sun Life can assist with are:

 1-800-361-6212 during the work week from 8am to 8 pm EST.

Or connect online through your MySunLife account. Visit www.mysunlife.ca and enter your access ID and password.