Wellness Champions play an important role in improving the health and well-being of the university's campuses by engaging faculty and staff within their work unit or student peers in their college of study.

They are enthusiastic ambassadors of the healthy mind, healthy body and/or healthy life initiatives. They inform about programs and resources, encourage others to take advantage of these resources and champion the creation of a healthy campus culture around them.

They are fully supported by the Wellness Strategy Team and healthy committees in all of their endeavors.

Wellness Champions:

  • are enthusiastic liaison to the Healthy Mind, Body and/or Life Committee
  • are role models for wellness
  • are current on U of S wellness programs and services
  • encourage colleagues or peers to participate in wellness programs or services
  • create a healthy space or bulletin board in your work or study area with wellness marketing material provided by the wellness committee(s)
  • be effective at communicating faculty, staff or student feedback to the wellness committee(s)